2018 Maryland Shearing School
The 2018 Maryland Shearing School will be held Friday and Saturday, April 20-21, 2018, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m, at Ridgely Thompson's farm, 1942 Uniontown Road, Westminster, MD 21157.

The school is open to anyone who wants to learn to shear sheep. Ownership of a sheep or a desire to become a commercial sheep shearer is preferred. Minimum age is 15. Participation is limited to 16.
The New Zealand method of shearing will be taught. Instructors include Aaron Geiman, Agriscience teacher in Carroll County, and Emily Chamelin, Professional shearer. Blade shearing will not be taught.
Pre-registration is required by April 1. The registration fee is $100. It includes an ASI shearing notebook and instructional DVD.
Mail registration to Aaron Geiman at 429 Hook Road, Westminster, MD 21167. Checks should be made payable to Maryland Sheep Breeders Association, Inc.
For more information, send an email to mdshearingschool@gmail.com.