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E-Books for sheep and goat producers


Books about sheep and goat production that can be opened and/or downloaded as PDF files. 

  1. British Sheep & Wool: A Guide to British Sheep Breeds and Their Unique Wool, British Wool (2010)

  2. Coyote Predation of Livestock, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (1998)

  3. Dairy Goat Management: Best Management Practices, University of Wisconsin (2008)

  4. Feedlot Lamb Pathology Atlas, Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board

  5. Forage Utilization for Pasture-Based Livestock Production, NRAES (2007)

  6. Goat Diseases: The Farmer's Guide, Meat & Livestock Australia (2021)

  7. Goat Production Handbook for Small Producers, Southern University

  8. Guide to Katahdin Hair Sheep, Katahdin Hair Sheep International (2020)

  9. Guide to Starting a Commercial Goat Dairy, UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture (2012)

  10. Handbook for Control of Internal Parasites of Sheep, University of Guelph (2019)

  11. Handbook for Raising Small Numbers of Sheep, University of California Davis (2002)

  12. Indigenous Goat Production Handbook, Revised Edition (2018)

  13. Lamb Rearing Technical Manual, AgResearch NZ (2020)

  14. Manual of Lambing Techniques, Alberta Lamb (2013) 

  15. National Extension Goat Handbook, USDA (1992) 

  16. National Range and Pasture Handbook, USDA NRCS (2022)

  17. Oklahoma Basic Meat Goat Manual, Oklahoma State University | By Chapter

  18. The Practice of Sheep Veterinary Medicine, Open Access (2018)

  19. SCOPS Internal Parasite Manual (Navigation Tree, 2020) | Previous version, PDF file (2012)

  20. Sheep Diseases: The Farmer's Guide, 4th edition, Meat & Livestock Australia (2022)

  21. Sheep and Goat Production Handbook for Ethiopia, USAID (2008)

  22. Sheep Production Manual: A Guide for 4-H Leaders and Beginning Farmers, Nova Scotia Dept. of Ag (2013)

  23. Small Ruminant Production and Management Medicine, Small Ruminant Manual, InfoVets (2004)

  24. Small Ruminant Resource Manual, ATTRA NCAT (2010)

  25. Starting a Dairy Goat Business: A Farmer's Guide, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture (2008)

  26. Sustainable Non-synthetic Gastrointestinal Parasites Control in Small Ruminants, Tuskegee University (2017)

  27. Targeted Grazing: a Natural Approach to Vegetative Management and Landscape Enhancement, American SHeep Industry Association (2006)

Links verified 01.10.25.

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